St. Rose of Lima
Roman Catholic Parish

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RENEW 2000

We are at a unique and graced moment in our Christian history. In this third millennium, our Holy Father invites all Christians to join in the evangelical mission of the church. With this invitation energizing us, we will move into the 21st century with new vigor and commitment to God, to one another and to our world.

In the fall of 2001, St. Rose entered into a three-year process called RENEW 2000 as a way for us to fulfill the pope's wish and to journey together in this century. This will be a wonderful opportunity for us to grow in faith as individuals and as a community. During the fall and Lent of the next two and one half years, each parishioner will be invited to join a small Christian community to meet, to pray, to reflect on the scriptures, to share our faith, and to make connections with the experiences of everyday life.

This is such an important moment for us as a people and for us as a parish community. Let us reach out to invite those who may no longer participate in the parish, to those who are searching or who feel alienated in some way. Let us invite family members, neighbors and co-workers to "come and see." Talk about RENEW in your homes, at work, or even in the Discussions board of our Web site.

For additional information about RENEW 2000, please read the diocese's press release on this process.

RENEW small-group meetings will be starting again soon. For more information or to join, please call the rectory at 282-2991.

RENEW 2000 Prayer
Let us prepare for RENEW 2000 by joining together in prayer. May God open and prepare the hearts of Christians everywhere for this holy journey.

Gracious God and Father,
We are your people embraced by your love.
We thank you for your presence with us
throughout all time.
Create us anew through Jesus Christ your Son.
Liberate us from all that keeps us from you.
Send your Holy Spirit, enabling us to recreate our world
and restore justice.
Heal us from every form of sin and violence.
Transform us to live your Word more profoundly.
Reconcile us so enenies become friends.
Awaken us to the sacred; nurture our relationships.
Enliven our parishes; reunite our families.
Fill us with joy to celebrate the fullness of life.
Empower us to be a community of love
growing in your kindness
by the grace of Christ our Lord. Amen.


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